The belt lipectomy procedure combines the tummy tuck, buttock lift and thigh lift. When expertly performed in unison, combining these procedures will tighten the skin and remove excess fat.
To learn more about your belt lipectomy options, simply fill out the form on the right or give us a call at 905-966-0102 to setup a free no obligation consultation.
Massive weight loss is an exemplary achievement and one that should be shared. However, massive weight loss can sometimes be accompanied by unwanted loose skin around the body that cannot be lost with exercise and diet. The final step in truly feeling and looking like your new self is a belt lipectomy surgical procedure which will result in a significantly more toned and tighter lower body. Additionally, if desired, the belt lipectomy procedure can also utilize your own body's tissue to create more volume in your buttocks.
The body lift is an extensive surgery that may be performed in stages depending on the nature of the patient's needs which will be assessed by USculpt Plastic Surgery's clinical experts. At ULC, our team has extensive experience in conducting the belt lipectomy procedure. Contact us today for your free consultation.